rspc can be used on the frontend with SolidJS (opens in a new tab) via Tanstack Solid Query (opens in a new tab) which provides caching, refetching and a lot more.
To get started first install the required packages.
pnpm i @rspc/client # The core client
pnpm i @rspc/solid-query # The SolidJS integration
Then you can do the following:
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/solid-query";
import { FetchTransport, createClient } from "@rspc/client";
import { createSolidQueryHooks } from "@rspc/solid-query";
import type { Procedures } from "./ts/index"; // These were the bindings exported from your Rust code!
// You must provide the generated types as a generic and create a transport (in this example we are using HTTP Fetch) so that the client knows how to communicate with your API.
const client = createClient<Procedures>({
// Refer to the integration your using for the correct transport.
transport: new FetchTransport("http://localhost:4000/rspc"),
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
const rspc = createSolidQueryHooks<Procedures>();
function SomeComponent() {
const echo = rspc.createQuery(() => ["echo", "somevalue"]);
const sendMsg = rspc.createMutation("sendMsg");
return (
<button onClick={() => sendMsg.mutate("newVersion")}>Do thing</button>
function App() {
return (
<rspc.Provider client={client} queryClient={queryClient}>
<SomeComponent />